Latest Posts:
Playdate 11
Adding a game loop, score and lives to finish off the little demo game
Playdate 10
Adding a proper player character with multiple animation states
Playdate 9
Building some meaningful enemy AI for our little ghosts
Playdate 8
Iterating through arrays (tables) in Lua, and adding enemy characters to the maze
Mac America Kittens Again
So here we are, I guess. Again. I have to admit that, over the past few years, I’d been hoping that I could file Make America Kittens Again under “weird stuff that happened in the past”, but given current events I’ve received a number of emails asking for an updated version – and in particular,…
Playdate 7
Checking for open paths from our player’s location, so we know which way they can turn
Playdate 6
Moving my player in the maze, and detecting when it is on a dot
Playdate 5
Creating a proper level, designed as an array, and then drawing it as a tilemap
Playdate 4
Drawing a sprite on the tilemap background, and getting it moving