So here we are, I guess. Again. I have to admit that, over the past few years, I’d been hoping that I could file Make America Kittens Again under “weird stuff that happened in the past”, but given current events I’ve received a number of emails asking for an updated version – and in particular, one for Safari.
And so, here we go: Make America Kittens Again for Safari on OSX and iOS. One purchase* across both platforms. iOS now supports iPad as well as iPhone. Got an Apple Vision Thingy? It might even work there, let me know?
A few things to note, though.
Help, it’s not working!
If the test page does not show you kittens in all the right places, please check the instructions below.
After installing the app you need to grant it permissions on all web pages. Without this, the extension cannot do anything.
On Mac: Safari -> Settings -> Websites -> scroll down to Extensions, and then “For other websites: Allow”.

On iOS: Settings -> Apps -> Safari -> Extensions -> Make America Kittens Again:

It’s working, but not well enough?
I hear you, but I’m afraid what’s possible is limited. MAKA works by scanning every image on the page, looking for those that have some kind of text** linking them to one of the blocked words. The key limitations are:
- It only scans once. So if the page then updates images on the fly after it has fully loaded, new images won’t be checked (example: do a Google image search, then scroll to load more)
- It can’t scan the image contents itself – only the text elements. So if an image isn’t labeled in some way, MAKA won’t know what it is (example: any website with poor alt-text usage).
Those two limitations are unlikely to change.
I am actively updating the plugin, though, to make it as effective as possible. See below for information on the latest updates and what they change.
* Why a purchase? It costs me around £100/year to publish this Mac/Safari version, so I’m trying to recoup that cost. MAKA for Chrome remains free, and the code remains public.
** Technical types: it checks the alt, the src, and the parenttag of each image. There’s also some specific code for a few news sites where lazy loading and other weirdness was causing failed replacements.
Change Log
Version 2.2.5 – Chrome, Firefox, iOS, OSX – by extremely popular demand, also now blocks Elon.
Version 2.2.4 – Chrome, Firefox, iOS, OSX – improvements on the NY Times, and a whole new process to handle the main images on the Washington Post.
Version 2.2.2 (iOS) – Small update to add iPad support.
Version 2.2.1 – This version is far more effective at Kittenizing the NY Times on Firefox and Chrome. On Safari the grey lady remains a problem, sorry – working on it.
Version 2.2.0 – 19/1/25 – Updates the core plugin to v1.5.2. This fixes multiple false positives (eg “advanced”), and also corrects the display of the little options window on OSX.
Version 2.1.0 – 15/12/24 – Updates the core plugin to v1.5.0. Adds blocking for Vance, fixes false-positives for trumpet, strumpa, significantly tidies the core code.
Version 2.0.0 – 20/11/24 – Initial release on Safari.