Playdate 10

A small update this time around. Having two ghosts chase one other identical ghost around the maze was getting a bit silly, so time for a player character.

I drew up a quick puck-man in Resprite, with three frames per direction:

.. and loaded that in as puckTable:

puckTable ='Images/puck')
assert( puckTable )

Then, when setting up the player sprite, you can configure multiple states:

playerSprite =
playerSprite:addState("l", 4, 6, {tickStep = 4, yoyo = true})
playerSprite:addState("u", 7, 9, {tickStep = 4, yoyo = true}) 
-- etc

I set the name of each to my directions (u for up, l for left, etc), and then we give the start and end frames for the state – so frames 4 to 6 for left, for example. Yoyo enables, well, yoyo animation – back and forth through the frames – while tickStep is a speed controller.

Finally, we can then call one of those directional animation states when we change direction:

if (playerDirection ~= requestedDir and requestedDir ~= "n") then                    
                    -- change direction requested, but is that possible?
                    if checkForOpenPath(mapRefX,mapRefY,requestedDir) then
                        -- yup change direction
                        playerDirection = requestedDir

Finally, I also renamed the function controlling the player from moveGhosty to movePuck. There, much less confusing.

Result: one chomping, moving puck-man:

Next up: a game loop reset, lives, and showing the score somewhere I guess?

Full source code here.



