The Lewisham Riot

The Dirty South

So, about the riot:

I saw tweets suggesting it at 8am.

I saw the BBM messages encouraging it at 4pm.

By the time I got home, there was a police cordon around most of Lewisham. Shops in Hither Green were shut.

On Manor Park, a group of kids (really, kids) swaggered with a huge bottle of Pimms. I wondered where the hell they’d got that from.

When I got to the A20, I saw which shop they’d looted it from. They’d smashed the shit out of everything around the Dirty South pub. The atmosphere was fucking horrible.

I took the photo above at about 9pm, after the mayhem had moved on to Catford. A lady coming from the Lee direction stopped me in the street. She said something like “They’ve smashed everything, it’s awful”.

Burned out car

The next day, this. All around the Dirty South – outside the area the police could protect – shops were looted. Down by the Lewisham Centre, burned out cars. I took a few photos of the damage, here.

And now what?


